If you’ve ever thought about being an it girl, then we’ve gotcha covered. Let’s take a deep dive into What makes a girl have it-factor? What is that anyway? How can you pinpoint features and personality traits to gain status?
Let’s break down how to become an it-girl step by step.
- Personal style or a great stylist
- Beauty maintenance
- Becoming a resource
- Captivating Personality
- Friendships

How to develop a personal style?
Your style should be a direct reflection of how you feel and how you want to present yourself to the world. It’s not as difficult as it sounds, and you can define your style in a few simple exercises.
- Let’s start with your closet. Make a few piles of all your clothing and separate them by category; keep it, donate it, in limbo about it.
- Next, try on all the items in your “in limbo about it” pile, take a good look in the mirror, and if you don’t feel comfortable in it, if it doesn’t fit how you like it, or if you have no direct sentimental value towards it — place it in donate pile. If you’re still 100% unsure, make a new pile to revisit after the next few steps are complete.
- Immediately bag up the donate pile so you don’t second guess your decisions.
- Moving along, go through your “keep it” pile and organize it by style; Tops, dresses, skirts, etc; Focus on items that are similar in style because those are the pieces you gravitate towards. Those similar styles will shape your styles and you can build around that. This is your comfort zone and an it-girl is comfortable in what she wears.

Finally, build your wardrobe around your key pieces per season.
For example, you’ve noticed that you have lots of jeans in similar styles and you love heels. This will become the base of your outfit. Your style of tops should be your day’s vibe to match your base. For instance, You’re having a chill day, but need to run a few errands and you want to look cute and stylish to match your sporty chic personality.
Sporty girls love boxy tees, cropped but not-so-fitted t-shirts, off-the-shoulder tops, and ribbed racer-back tops — styles that are more relaxed but elevated. So, you pair that with your jeans and heels and grab a layering piece and your accessories.
This is the start of your style. It’s taking your wardrobe, understanding what you love, understanding how you feel in those pieces, and owning the way you style them. Ultimately, it’s about being confident in how you dress and step into rooms.
Beauty Maintenance is a big deal as an it girl!
Yup! Hey, even if you don’t care about skincare, you will. Even if your skin isn’t ridiculously flawless, you are into skincare!

Every it-girl lives within a routine. Your skincare doesn’t have to be eight steps, it just needs to be relatable to those who have been captivated by how you present yourself. Your beauty maintenance is showcasing that you are human and that you have great and not-so-great days. I hope you’re starting to understand where this article is leading you.
As you start maintaining your beauty, you’ll notice it becomes a part of your lifestyle and this is how you’ll become a resource for others. You don’t have to constantly do step-by-step tutorials on what skin care you use, how you style your hair, or every single thing that you do to look the way that you do.
Being an it-girls is about telling a story visually and being admired. This is where it factor becomes monetizable.
You’re a resource, so what now?
Monetize! At this point, you may have noticed an increase in your audience size. The girls and guys that follow you are aware of who you are and your likeness. Most likely, or should I say hopefully, brands will start to notice and reach out to you as well. No worries if not.
It’s your time to shine! Gather your top-performing post, and continue to build around your lifestyle — but now, get ready to pitch. Monetizing your likeness is a way of life. Hello, Influencers! Right? Well, you’ve become a sellable figure and people want what you use on a regular basis. Don’t be afraid to sell.
Honestly, you may have been doing so already due to you just being you and people buying into that unknowingly on your end. Either way, popularity doesn’t equal sales, your connection to your audience does. Continue to show up for yourself authentically and capitalize from all the commotion.

How your personality will determine your status!
Do you even know what your personality is? Are you chill and laid back, or are you upbeat and quuirky? There’s so many traits that makes you unique and you should figure out just what those are.
Your personality is your hook. It’s your bait. It’s your bread and butter.
Most people are driven by how you present yourself, and that transfers as energy. Your fashion style, hairstyles, how you speak and respond are all traits of your personality. Own them!
Whenever someone engages with you in a way that highlights who you are, your status appears to more reachable. Like we’ve stated above, your’re monitizable demenor gives your status. It encourages others to be great. You are helping others see that what you have is obtainable and we’re not just talking finances.
Your presence is sought out because you have given people a space to be themselves unapologetically.
Girl! You are the internet bestie we didn’t know we needed!
Friendships are when like minds can enjoy ech others company. It when you dont always need to explain yourself. You’re an it girl now and officially so many girls internet bestie. They come to check your status, your day in the life updates, what you’re wearing, who you’ve been hanging out with and more.
Don’t feel overwhelmed. If you’ve buit this presence correctly, then you’re just living your life and inviting others to interact with it.
Owning your audience is key to being the it-girl people love. Understanding when to protect them is your responsibility. They trust you, and your job is authenicity. That’s your hook. Moreso, that should be the hook for anyone in an influencial position. Authenticty!

Overall, being an it girl should be fun and it should come natural. You have to know who you are and be that person. Show up as that person daily and your audience will find you.
That’s the job of the algorithm, with bias for some groups obviously, but you catch my drift. lol!
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