A Coffee Scrub Skin Care Routine For The Ultimate Body Glow

Skin is always in!

However, summer skin is being prepped for the ultimate glow! Using a coffee scrub will help in the process of achieving a dewy skin look all summer. We’re going to talk about the benefits of using coffee on your skin and how you can start your glowy skincare routine today.

Coffee Scrubs are an easy DIY for you to try at home

At Mayhem Morgan Media, coffee is a part of daily life. Starting the day with a cup of cold-brewed coffee shocks the body in a great way. It’s the same when you use it on your skin. This action-packed exfoliant is sure to give your skin a boost in all the right ways.

The right coffee scrub ingredients can be found in the kitchen.

  • Coffee! We recommend that you use high-quality organic coffee.
  • An oil that is great for your skin type and is not pore-clogging.
  • Finally, an essential oil that is high quality and has a refreshing scent you’ll enjoy. (optional)

Now, we like to get fancy here at MM, and we like to add a bit more. Most times, we add a variety of oils that offer our skin extra benefits. You might be wondering how to make your coffee exfoliant work best for you. Ultimately, you can search online and find a brand that sells what you’re looking for. Easy right? Well, let’s get a bit more creative for anyone wanting their very own coffee scrub just for their body.

You’ll need to consider a few things, such as: The brand of coffee: This decision won’t be so easy. Coffee is coffee, right? Not really.

At MM we use a few different methods for creating our coffee scrubs.

  • First, we decide if we want to grind our coffee ourselves or buy it already ground-packed. Personally, buying the coffee beans whole and grinding them yourself is our favorite way to make the scrubs. Actually, this method is more fragrant. You can smell the coffee beans so much more from the natural oils being released as they are finely ground.
  • Next, if you buy ground coffee from a store already packed, you have to decide which brand you want to use. This is due to not all coffee being made equal. Ask yourself, do you want a medium roast, a dark roast, finely ground, plain, or flavored? So much goes into it, but it’s up to you to get exactly what you want.
Body Care - coffee scrub

Now is the time to understand how beneficial a coffee scrub truly is.

  • It can reduce inflammation
  • It reduces the appearance of cellulite. We love that!
  • It will give you a vibrant, youthful glow.
  • It instantly polishes away dead skin cells. (hints, noticeably radiant skin)
  • It helps fade blemishes with the right add-in ingredient, such as lemon.
  • It improves blood circulation with the help of caffeine.

Seeing all these benefits is really exciting, knowing that this can be a minimal skincare routine add-on. Using simple ingredients and only a few minutes to make, it is sure to become a staple skincare product.

Getting the most out of your coffee scrub should be a priority.

Once you pick a day to indulge in self-care, knowing you’ll be using a coffee scrub, prepare to get messy! It will be the best messy shower you’ll take. Coffee gets everywhere! Don’t say we didn’t give a warning!

For maximum coffee scrub benefits, here are the steps I take:

  • Make the shower hot! Do my normal skin cleansing routine and shut the water off afterward.
  • While drenched, apply the coffee scrub from my feet up using circular motions.
  • Once I get to my face, I apply the coffee scrub and work in an upward motion.
  • Now, covered in coffee, turn the hot water back on. Don’t rinse yet; just get the steam going.
  • I let the coffee scrub work, sort of like a mask for your body. Let it stay for just a minute while steaming.
  • Now, I rinse my body while softly rubbing the coffee down.
  • I grab a towel and pat dry, unless I choose to air dry.

Simple as that.

Coffee Scrub exfoliant - mayhem morgan

At MM, our coffee scrubs are jam-packed with the perfect balance of oils. After using the coffee scrub, there’s no need to apply lotions or body butter unless you want. Your choice! We like to use a coffee scrub in the evenings before bed. Depending on what essential oil is added to yours, you can have a good night’s sleep.

Using a coffee scrub exfoliant doesn’t have to feel like a task.

I use coffee scrubs twice weekly and during my evening shower skincare routine. My everyday skincare routine aids in the added benefits of using a coffee scrub. By focusing on your skin needs, you can create a minimal and effective routine to get glowy skin today.

  • leanse & Exfoliate
  • Tone & Hydrate

My skincare is about maintaining a youthful appearance. Finding what works for me and not testing every new skincare product because of aesthetics. With full transparency, coffee scrubs have become a must-have beauty product because of all the benefits I get from using them.

Are you ready to try a coffee scrub? We hope you are, because at MM, we want your skin to always feel fresh and hydrated.

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