The Best Body Care Tips To get Smooth Summer Skin

Have you ever wanted smooth, glowy, even-toned skin? These body care tips are going to help you achieve your skincare goals. Whenever I think of beautiful skin, I instantly think of exfoliating. Now, massaging dead skin away sounds amazing, but there’s more to get smooth skin.

Let’s break down how to exfoliate your body.

You should know that, exfoliating your skin can be done, wet or dry. This decision should be based on your skin’s personal needs. Personally, I exfoliate both ways. I use a dry brush 3 times weekly. However, I dry brush to aid with my current regimen of reducing the appearance of the little cellulite I have. I also exfoliate with an amazing coffee scrub and my African net Sponge.

The best way to exfoliate is in a circular motion and up from your feet. Think of it as polishing your body. Your skin will feel smooth, but you will also reap other benefits from the exfoliation. Once you develop a body care routine, you’ll have noticeably enhanced results.

How often should you exfoliate your body?

The short answer is, to learn about your skin and exfoliate when needed. The long answer is you can aim to exfoliate two to three times a week. Over-exfoliating, your skin can lead to irritation and ultimately start aging skin. We don’t want that! Not to mention, over-exfoliating can cause dryness.

A huge takeaway from these body care tips that you should understand — exfoliating can refresh and awaken the skin, unclog pores, and even your skin tone. If you have sensitive skin, You can try it once a week, and find a gentle body wash to use with an exfoliating glove, net, or sponge.

What are a few body care tips without learning how to maintain the results?

  1. Never step outside without wearing sunscreen. Even if you have perfect skin, you should protect it with an SPF — on your face and body.
  2. If you’re wanting to give yourself a break from heavy makeup foundations — try wearing a tinted moisturizer because most of them include SPF.
  3. Always moisturize your body with a hydrating lotion. The last thing you want after exfoliating is dry skin. Using a moisturizer that’s hydrating will have a protective skin barrier.
  4. Look down! Your feet are a part of your body, and they need TLC also. Exfoliate, Moisturize, and seal with an oil.

Have you heard the phrase, you are what you eat?

Here are a few body care tips on which fruits are great for glowy skin!

PC: Pinterest
  • Oranges — Hello! Vitamin C! Oranges pack a punch and will help your skin stay bright.
  • Apples — The antioxidants prevent cell and tissue damage, build collagen, and naturally remove excess oil.
  • Watermelons — Full of water! Hydrates your skin, creates collagen, and smooths wrinkles.
  • Lemons — Anti-aging, brightens complexion, and repairs damaged skin cells.
  • Strawberry — a great source of antioxidants & has anti-inflammatory properties
  • Cucumbers — help maintain the oil balance, and acts as a mild astringent to tighten your pores.

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