Did you know that these spring cleaning tips will put you in a great mood? As a result, you should know, that this time of year is all about setting yourself free from unwanted junk that is piled up. In other words, it’s maybe not junk per se, but things you know you could give away or toss in the trash. I, for one, look forward to decluttering and tidying up around my home. Besides, I’m very much so a neat freak so I clean all the time. It should be noted, that spring cleaning is a next-level deep clean.
Here are some spring cleaning tips you don’t want to overlook.

1. Power Dusting
Throw out those fluffy dusters that throw around all the dust you’re trying to remove. If you really want to tackle dust, you must grab a few microfiber towels. These towels grab a hold of the dust and if you fold the towel correctly — you could use one towel in multiple areas.
2. Change your Air Filters
Changing out your AC furnace air filters could truly improve the atmosphere in your home. We all want quality air, and you shouldn’t overlook this step in your home cleaning process.

3. Refresh your Garbage Disposal
Oh Yes! One of my favorite cleaning hacks. This isn’t just a spring cleaning tip — but it does feel spring-like to save bright yellow lemon rinds in a jar — Yup, drop a few lemon rinds in the disposal and get a refreshing smell around your sink.
If you are not the Lemon buying type, no worries, you could always purchase garbage disposal cleaning drops — odor eliminator balls with lemon zest.
Photo: Deanna | Homestead and Chill
Cleaning in your most used areas is the priority.
4. Declutter Closets
Your closet is a reflection of your style. You can be bold, bright, simple, and/or minimal in that space. Whatever you choose, it should be clutter-free. An organized space allows you to be fully into who you are — as you style your personality daily. One of the best tips to start your closest cleaning — get yourself matching clothes hangers. Thank me later.

5. Oven Cleanse
Take a deep breath, and realize that your oven may need some attention. There are a few methods to clean your oven. Most ovens have a self-cleaning option that works extremely well. However, I would only recommend this option in the cooler months because it gets very hot inside.
I found an easy way to clean an oven over at Musely.
Photo: Musely On Pinterest
6. Shower Refresh
Being as transparent as possible. The bathroom is one space I constantly refresh. The shower, toilet, mirrors, sink, etc; should always be clean, sanitized, and sparkling.
Spring cleaning tips are cool, right? Take your time cleaning, and afterward — Energize your mood with refreshers.

Smart Cleaning saves you time and money!

7. Sanitize Bedding
Stop! Don’t you dare get cozy in your bed until you sanitize your bedding. A small and mighty luxury is sleeping comfortably. One of the ways I try to keep everything fresh is to switch out my bedding every season, or at minimum twice a year. In between those changes, I deep clean my Pillow cases, Sheets, Comforter, etc; On new appliances, You have a Sanitize function that will steam and sanitize your bedding during the wash cycle.
Don’t worry, you can do the same with great products on a normal wash cycle as well. Just Do It! Always sleep on refreshed bedding to stay away from built-up sweat, bacteria, and more that get trapped.
Sleep Clean, and Wake up Happy!
These spring cleaning tips are self-care… So you can hug yourself!
8. Organize Pantry
Food storage can seem a bit much. This means, that once you put the groceries away in their usual location — food just goes unorganized. Everything is everywhere. Not anymore!
I’ve learned that an organized pantry stops me from overbuying groceries. If I can see what I have, it’s easier to only purchase necessities. Now, you don’t have to buy crazy amounts of containers, you can simply — throw out expired foods, and create sections for different types of foods.
You could even place all can goods by category — beans, corn, sauces, etc; The idea is to be aware of what you have and that starts with cleaning and organizing.

9. Extreme Clean Refrigerator
First and foremost, you should start by removing everything from the refrigerator.
Starting with a blank canvas is very beneficial for our time. You can begin this cleaning process by wiping down the entire refrigerator and drying it. It’s best to use a microfiber cloth because it holds lots of liquid — no streaks left behind.
Afterward, begin to place your items back — don’t just place them anywhere.
Try placing condiments in one area, fruits in another, veggies in another, and so on and so on.
Adding new items to your spring cleaning checklist should be fun.
10. Get New Bath Linens
I’m a stickler for fresh, fluffy bath linens. Do yourself a favor, and purchase new towel sets for yourself, and your guest.
Personally, I stick with bright whites for guests and myself, but I also have towels that perfectly match the aesthetic — you know, decor-wise.
I opt-in trying to have a luxury hotel feel. I mean, a shower and bath really is a spa, lol!

11. Add New Plants
Plants will bring life into your house. Don’t just get any plant. Search for plants that work well within the environment of your home.
If you know you don’t have much sunlight, try getting a more low-maintenance plant. If you are minimal, try getting statement plants — large living area plants — hanging plants — window seal plants, etc;
You’re never lonely when plants are around you. They need love and they will demand it.
IDK who needs to hear this but… get books you’ll actually open!
12. Coffee table books
Well… Let me just say, coffee table books should be books that’ll you or your guest will actually open. I love a great decor piece, but I also love the functionality. Grab some books about topics that fit your personality. Picture books are always a great option. You could even get really cool magazines.
I should also mention that if you want to keep things fresh, change out your books every few weeks. Don’t trash them, use them in other areas of your home, or build a personal archive. After all, books should be inspiring.

Ok, these last 3 spring cleaning tips should be mood-changers!

13. Daylight bulbs
There’s been research about how the type of bulb you choose for your home could affect your daily mentality and productivity.
With that being said, Daylight bulbs are a winning choice. The bright outside feel of being used indoors helps wake you up, makes you want to move around, and enhances your mood.
No more yellow-toned bulbs that will have your makeup unmatched and the paint on the walls looking dull!
Live happily ever after, with daylight bulbs.
14. Phone Spam?
Did you know you were spamming yourself? All of these apps are unused or rarely used in spam. Delete them.
Go a step further and unsubscribe from the paid app subscriptions that don’t enhance your life, work, and/or productivity.

15. Organize storage
So, you’ve been cleaning your house, or your apartment, or your dorm, or your car — you’ve organized what you’re keeping — now what?
Yes, you need to organize your storage. There’s nothing more draining than searching for something valuable that you’ve kept but, just tossed in an area with other keepsakes.
Purchase some bins for larger keepsakes, folders for paper documents, zip locks for tiny items, etc;
Your storage should be well kept and easy to add things whenever you need to.
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